Anyone play these games?

There’s a lot going on this weekend: Magic Booster draft tonight, Journey into Nyx pre-releases Saturday and Sunday as well as the Miniature Flea Market going on for most of Sunday and the Iron Kingdoms RPS that evening. That’s a lot of great stuff, but we’ve talked about it all before. Scroll back through the history and you’ll find plenty of details.

Instead, we want to talk about some games people have been asking about. We get a lot of people asking, “Does anyone play Game X around here?” And we always say, “Well, not right now, but let’s see if we can find some players.”

So here’s us trying to find some. Here’s a list of the games people have been wanting to play:

Blood Bowl
Axis & Allies
Empire Builder
The Saga Miniatures Game
Twilight Struggle
1st Edition AD&D
Dungeon World RPG

We’ve also had people ask about tournaments. Would anyone be interested in a Chess Tournament? How about a Settlers of Catan Tournament?

If any of these sound good to you, leave a comment below or message us. Or if you have some ideas of your own. We want to hear from you in order to make ‘Round the Table YOUR place to play!