Microscope and Traveller Show

What’s going on?

Today: Lynnwood Magic MeetUp @ 6:30pm; Euro Game Night @ 7pm (Some folks will be arriving at 6pm; Russian Rails, Red Dragon Inn and others are on the agenda)

Tuesday: Beer Tasting from 6-8pm (What makes a beer thirst-quenching? will be the topic); Scrabble @ 7pm.

Our Microscope game last night went really well. We did science fiction this time, and came up with a dark future were global warming shattered modern society and MMORPGs became the dominant social interaction. But eventually, gold-farming autonomous programs became self-aware and took over the world economy. Great fun!

Next Story Games night (June 15th) we will try Kingdom, another game by Ben Robbins. This one is abut communities and asks the question: Do you change the Kingdom or does the Kingdom change you?

Although we don’t have any of it in stock, one of our favorite RPGs is Traveller. One of the first sci-fi games that came out back in the 70s, this classic game of exploration and trade is so well thought out and has such a large and believable back story that it well deserves the title of ‘classic’.

We wanted to mention it here because a group has just announced a Kickstarter to turn this wonderful setting into a television pilot. Spinward Traveller is the name and it follows a ragtag crew of misfits on their journeys through the stars. Give it a look!
