What’s Happening? Today: Beer Tasting from 6-8pm; Worker Placement Games with Trent & Beth @ 6:30pm; Catanamaniacs @ 7:30pm (gearing up for the big tournament on 9/20!). Wednesday: Riichi Mahjong 2-10pm; Netrunner League Play begins tonight from 5-10pm; The New Season of D&D Encounters, Tyranny of Dragons, starts @ 6pm. And with the start of the new season of Encounters is also the official release date of the 5th Edition D&D Player’s Handbook! We have plenty in stock and available for sale. We’ve had it for two weeks now and I have to say we are VERY impressed. First off, it’s a beautiful book, with evocative art, good easy-to-read layout, nice paper. Next, they’ve really taken D&D back to its roots — the rules are light and inobtrusive. Only 18 (of 314) pages are devoted to combat and movement! Magic is back to how it used to work with spell slots and whatnot, but now with lots of options to keep things interesting and to keep spellcasters able to fulfill their role once those spells are used up. Most of the book is about making characters with many neat choices available and ways to bring out the roleplaying aspects of your characters. A solid ‘A’ grade to Wizards of the Coast this time. And to help represent those characters we have in the new booster packs for the new D&D Miniatures. They are plastic, pre-painted miniatures that come in randomized boxes, 4 minis to a box. We also have copies of the D&D Starter Boxed set and the Miniatures Starter Set to complete your collection.