7 Wonders – Cities


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This expansion for 7 Wonders gives you the chance to discover another aspect of the great cities of Antiquity.
27 new cards offer you brand new buildings with never before-seen effects. 3 Guilds, 6 Leaders and 2 Wonders complete this expansion! 7 Wonders Cities also allows up to 8 players at once and offers a team variant.

7 Wonders Cities - Miguel Coimbra



At the beginning of each Age, the players each get a hand of 8 cards (instead of 7 as in the base game). During each Age, the players will thus get to each play one extra card. The other rules regarding the proceedings of the game remain unchanged. Two new mechanics appear in this expansion: debt and diplomacy.

7 Wonders Cities - Dettes


A card bearing the broken coin symbol causes the loss of coins to all opponents of the player who brings the card into play.

Each opponent must pay the corresponding amount to the bank or take a Debt token for each unpaid coin. It’s possible to split this up, meaning pay part of it in coins and take Debt tokens for the remainder.

At the end of the game, each Debt token causes a loss of victory points for the player who has them.

7 Wonders Cities - Dettes


A player who puts a card bearing the Diplomacy symbol into play takes a Diplomacy token from the reserve and places it on their board.

During the next Conflict, the player will not take part in there solution and then MUST discard this Diplomacy token.

The player is considered absent during the resolution, and does not take any Conflict tokens (victory or defeat).

The player’s two neighboring cities are considered adjacent (for this Conflict only) and face off militarily according to the usual rules.


Take the head of the legendary Nabataean city. Make your trade flourish thanks to this mythical city which was a center of trade in Antiquity.



Play it diplomatically with one of the ancient capitals of the Roman Empire: Byzantium.