Magic: Dragonstorm Pre-Release Friday, April 4th @ 7pm


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Magic Dragonstorm Pre-Release: Friday, April 4th @ 7pm 

dragonstorm pre-release weekend banner


(and enjoy a FREE house-made spicy lemonade worthy of a fire-breather!)

Tarkir is now bigger and bolder than ever, filled with cinematic action, dynamic clan gameplay, and powerful new dragons that add lasting firepower to your collection.

We’ll have 4 sessions of Sealed Deck play to celebrate the coming release of Dragonstorm: Friday @ 7pm, Saturday @ Noon and 7pm, and Sunday @ 2pm.

While half the fun is just cracking packs and making a new deck with your favored clan, there are tons of prizes for participants including booster packs and deck sleeves.

We’ve arranged for extra parking next door, just south of us, in the architect/insurance lot. Please take advantage of this and allow those with limited mobility to have the close spots!

Here’s a look at each of our events and what’s special about each:

You are pre-registering for Friday, April 4th at 7pmThe Red Eye, 32 player max
The event starts promptly at 7pm.
• The event will be 3 rounds, so expect to be done about 11:30pm.
Saturday, April 5th at NoonA Casual Afternoon, 24 player max
The event starts promptly at Noon.
• The event will be 4 rounds, so expect to play for about 5 hours.
Saturday, April 5th at 7pmTwo-Headed Giant, 12 teams max
The event starts promptly at 7pm.
• Entry is for both participants in the two person team. Two-headed Giant rules can be found here.
• The event will be 3 rounds, so expect to play for about 4 hours.
Sunday, April 6th at 2pmSunday Fun, 24 player max
The event starts promptly at 2pm.
• The event will be 4 rounds, so expect to play for about 5 hours.
Inside each Prerelease box, there will be:
• 6 Dragonstorm Play Boosters; each Play Booster contains 14 Magic cards
• 1 foil, year-stamped Rare or Mythic Rare
• 1 deck box
• 1 Spindown die
All ages and skill-levels are welcome. Prizes will include 1 Play booster pack per person and more for the top places.
We also have great deals on other Dragonstorm products:
Pre-Order Play Booster Boxes now and save! Only $143.99. Available for pickup on 4/4
Pre-Order Collector Booster Boxes now and save! Only $287.99. Available for pickup on 4/4
Booster Bundles? A good deal at $53.99. Available for pickup on 4/4
Commander fan? Secure all 5 commanders for $209.99. Available for pickup on 4/4