Magic: Strixhaven Set Booster Box


SKU: STX-SET-Box Category:


Get your book covers and spell satchels ready: You’re going to Hogw … I mean, Strixhaven!  The School of Mages!

Get this great new set a week before it releases!

You are ordering one (1) sealed box of 30 Strixhaven Set Boosters, for in-store pickup ONLY on or after 16 April 2021!  This box also comes with

Your first lesson will be on Set Boosters (and yes, this will be on the test). Set Boosters are designed for those times where you just want to kick back and crack open a pack of cards. They’re quite fun to flip through and contain all sorts of surprises. In each 12-card booster, you’ll find:

  • 1 Mystical Archive card (uncommon, rare, or mythic rare)
  • 1 Lesson card of any rarity
  • 1 Traditional foil card of any rarity*
  • 1 Card from The List in 1 out of 4 boosters

(*This includes global Mystical Archive cards in all non-Japanese Set Boosters, and both global and Japanese alternate-art Mystical Archive cards in Japanese Set Boosters.)

Plus, you get a delightful art card, 1 in 20 of which feature a foil-stamped logo or artist signature! There may be a couple of terms you are unfamiliar with here, but this reading assignment should elucidate the matter.

And, if that’s not enough, this box of Set Boosters comes with the set Buy-a-Box promo too!